Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday Night Dance Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"No Parking on the Dance Floor" - move it or lose it!

Only 299 days til...(you know what!)


  1. Ah, good to have you back. Do I take it that you're feeling yourself again? I do hope so. ;-)

    Had to play this one at 'piano' volume. It's now 9 a.m. and been awake since 2.30, when Blackso decided he wanted an ultra-early breakfast before going out for a prowl while still dark. He lets me know he wants attending to by purring loudly in my ear and trying to come under the duvet - which, when he does he just lies underneath, purring till I react. (I can see through his 'cupboard love'. Hah!) If I don't get up and see to his food needs he gets impatient and tries to butt my head off the pillow, the cheeky little blighter. Anyway, as he'll not take no for an answer, to get some peace just had to do his bidding. But I'm not one who can return to sleep so easily after being slumber-interrupted. I'll try to catch some shut-eye later - and maybe then play 'Midnight Star' again - but FORTE!

    1. allo, ducky! (said in a cockney accent)

      yes, I am feeling FABULOUS (as always). I just need a small boost in the brain chemistry to keep me feeling that way. legal drugs are good.

      blackso's behaviour sounds much like my meredith's, except for the going outside part. but I too have trouble going back to sleep afterward. both my little 4-pawed companions are currently sleeping on the sunporch; it's just after 11a here.

      LOUD and MOVE IT! :)

  2. I remember this song from Soul Train. Do you remember that show?

    1. OMB, who DOESN'T remember "da sooooouuuuulllll train" fondly? with don cor-NEEEEEIIIIILLLLL-ious? the complete opposite of "american bandstand"!

  3. More grooviness.
    where do you get them I wonder?

    1. the radio, silly boy! the radio gives me the idea, then I look up the videos on youtube. no magic tricks. and no rubbish either!
