Saturday, February 4, 2017

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Living On The Edge" - there's something wrong with the world today...


  1. You know the world is really messed up when a George W. Bush judge is the one who stops the Muslim Ban, even if it's only for 90 days.

    Hang in there. Protesting takes a lot of energy.

    1. protesting DOES take a lot of energy. but so does fighting a war. RESIST! ORGANIZE! MOBILIZE!

  2. G'day, W.Q.,
    Does this mean you're back 'with us', and now with new, better functioning laptop? Do hope so.

    I don't recall this Aerosmith number at all. My search tells me it got to our #19 in '93. I suppose the title sums up what you're going through in current turbulent times where you don't know from day to day what 'gem' is going to be proclaimed from Washington D.C. One thing is certain - it sure ain't boring!

    We've had it mild the last coupla weeks though Winter's about to remind us what we've been missing in the next few days. Still, I hope that whatever comes can't really last long.
    Every morning I note the temps from around the world and I always look at what yours is like. I see that it could be a lot worse for you than it has been, which is a bit of a blessing.

    All well here, though Noodles has become a real problem, doing his stinkies and wees all over the place - even yesterday beside my bed when I caught him in mid-act. And there are two litter trays, always kept clean, in the bathroom. No such problems with Blackso and Patchie. Don't know what's got into Noodles - he's only started doing this in the last few months, and it's getting worse.

    Have a mah-vellous w/e - and keep the heating turned up so the pussies have no cause to complain.
    Salutations to all,

    1. RESIST! ORGANIZE! MOBILIZE! hopefully you signed the NO DUMP IN THE UK petition!

      yeah, so far so good on the winter front (now is the winter of our discontent).

      noodles having kidney issues? poor dear. do they make cat diapers, I wonder?

      I actually have my old laptop back; the tech guy I hired just scrubbed it clean as new. I still have all my files. he was well worth the time & money!

    2. I have indeed signed the petition, W.Q., though the number of 'signatures' has slowed down alarmingly in last few days - currently 1.842 million as against 0.299 supporting his supping with Her Maj - who, incidentally, I hear is absolutely 'thrilled' to have the chance of exchanging bon mots with such an erudite and witty personage, despite her not even being consulted by our P.M. before giving the invitation on her behalf.

      Yes, Noodles has started drinking an awful lot of milk. I now dread waking up in the morning with the task of sniffing out where he's left his 'messages'.

      Good you got your laptop in order again. One doesn't realise quite how essential they are until they throw a 'sickie' or go on strike - and then, by golly, you do know!

    3. Our PM is shaping up to be a great disappointment. Before she took over the top job she was moderate (despite being 'Conservative'), relatively quiet and sensibly level-headed - and a supporter of all progressive LGBTQ advances (and still is as far as I'm aware). But since she became PM she's now pandering to 'populism', especially on anti-European rhetoric and immigration - as well as all other immigration - and hardening her attitude on social issues too as though she's fearful of losing the support of the right-wing tabloid press, which she still has. It's no wonder that D.T. thought to hold hands with her. They DO make a lovely couple! (NOT!)

      Btw: Her Maj today becomes our only monarch to have been reigning over us for 65 years. It's a 'sapphire' anniversary, apparently - something (else) I didn't know.

    4. shame about the PM. but QE2 - FABU! and I just saw that the dump is banned from speaking to parliment! someone in your country has sense!

    5. You an be sure that when D.T. hears about his prohibition from speaking in Parliament it will be HE who is a 'victim' of prejudice and discrimination. It's absolutely the only way he's capable of thinking.

    6. a 70 year old orange crybaby - wah wah wah. what a prick!

  3. This one got my head bopping up and down with my air guitar. As you know I do like living on the edge at least a couple of times a week. Have a great weekend honey.

    1. RESIST! ORGANIZE! MOBILIZE! hopefully you signed the NO DUMP IN THE UK petition!

  4. We survived another week, only 206 more to go.

    1. Oh my.
      I may need to buy some new insoles.

    2. we ALL gonna need new insoles to keep on marching! MLK never gave up and neither should we! RESIST! ORGANIZE! MOBILIZE!

  5. The resistance grows every day and every day it gets stronger. Hair Furor's disapproval ratings are over 50% just two weeks in; finally, he can be the best at something, the most disapproved of president of all!

    Happy weekend AM!

  6. I think it's funny when supporters (not athletic) say we should give DT a break. My response is always "arm or leg?"

  7. I wonder if we will see a renaissance in protest music now?

  8. Replies
    1. the only thing that will help is booting every goddamn member of the GOP outta congress in 2018! RESIST! ORGANIZE! MOBILIZE!

  9. Surely, he's bound to be impeached if there is a backbone left in America.

    1. I'm not sure there is one. RESIST! ORGANIZE! MOBILIZE!

  10. You have to have faith that it will get better. rjjs

    1. I have no faith. except in myself. RESIST! ORGANIZE! MOBILIZE!

  11. Everyday I'm more applaud and find me drinking more gin. Meanwhile where the lad is going, he warned me some major trump surroundings. I'm bound to feel like Linda Blair RESISTING the evil demons. Meanwhile, fearsome has a hidden comment for you on my latest post.

    1. the dump is strong down south. and squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee on the hidden comment!
