Saturday, May 11, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Don't Rush Me" - Bill Barr and Donald Dump Jr. will testify (or not) on their schedule, not the House of Representatives schedule.  LOCK THEM UP!

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018


  1. The words “wash and go” spring to mind! I do like the song tho - I don’t like to be rushed myself. Have a fun weekend.
    JP x

    1. "wash and go" - is that anything like 1-800-rent-a-ho? or "wham bam thank you ma'am"? LOVE to you and guido, you almost west end boyz!

  2. We SURVIVED another week! We can do this, we can win.

    1. but at what cost to our souls and sanity? and our world reputation?

  3. Good morning!
    Very nice post and song!

  4. That is why I cant take this current Repathetician party. They are all so damn smug and entitled and crooked. Who the hell do they think they are. They would have been locked up immediately years ago. This is why I think everybody is being paid by trump....because their all on the take. Otherwise they and many others would be locked up by now, so many others too. It's only gonna be up to us, provided the Russians and trump dont rigged the elections again. The people to get them out for good. Even the dems are farting around. Love Nancy buy get tougher gurl. Their even looking like lap dogs.

    I'm off my box pressure is going up, and my mother is here for the long weekend. One bottle of gin gone already. I have a nice time planned. Have a nice weekend sweetcheeks!!!!!!

    1. Breathe, just breathe (Faith Hill). You're a peacock, don't let the turkeys get you down.

    2. your mom drinks as much as you do? I'm glad yo mamma had you!

    3. @deedles - mistress DOES like her peacock feathers!

  5. Did anyone notice the black woman in the video was wearing a large Hammer and Sickle earring?(odd). But I could dance to that ditty.

    I'm taking bets that Dump will have Melonias wear a tiara for the State Dinner with the Queen. And if Uckvanka is there, she will be wearing one too.

    1. "Uckvanka"!
      I hadn't heard that before and I LOVELOVELOVE it!

    2. I have heard of istanka but never uckvanka! all 3 of them should wear t-shirts with I'M WITH STUPID written across the front.

    3. STOOPID. Sheesh, woman, get it right!

  6. This should be Carlos' theme song! He is NEVER rushed, no matter what.

    And ... "LOCK THEM UP!"
    Yer preachin' to the choir, ma'am!

    Have a faboosh weekend AM!

  7. Poor poor Donald :( no matter how many times he proves that he is innocent (by covering stuff up) you guys are so mean to him. No collusion! No collusion! Cheeseburgers for all! :D Hahaha!
    Wow, haven't heard that song in a long time!

  8. That was a blast from the past. Keep believing this political nightmare will be over soon. RJJS

    1. cripes, we've been saying that for over 2 years now.

  9. Only just over 3 weeks to go before we have the 'honour' of being graced by His Royal Presence. I wonder if he'll get the chance to go coochie-coo to little new arrival Archie.
    He must have been distraught to see Best Friend Putrid come a cropper on the ice. I suppose he sent him his 'Thoughts and Prayers', sob sob. (Tee hee!)

    1. Dump will probably try to force Megan to kiss his ring. And god only knows where that hand has been.

    2. I thought that for his own image he might want to milk for all its worth the fact that Archie is part-American. Oh, wait a minute, in his eyes Meghan herself doesn't qualify as being 'American,' does she?

    3. Well, probably not the white kind of American, Raybeard.

    4. @raybeard & @deedles - in dump's eyes, the only true murrican is white, male, hetero, xstain. everybody else is a criminal/drug dealer/rapist/slut.

    5. except for Melonious. She's no slut. She's classy, per Franklin Graham.

  10. I loved this song back in the day. I wonder if the new infrastructure budget includes funding to expand the jail underneath the Capitol? They're going to need it.

    1. we COULD stick a jail under the potomac river...just sayin'...with open cages...and a small silver blanket...

  11. I've never listened to Taylor Dane. Not listening now, either. I drank a Modelo Especial on top of my meds last night. A bit of a headache this morning, so the soothing song stylings of Andy Willams today.
    Taylor Dane looks a lot like Gloria Estefan.
    Oh, Joy! Cujo just upchucked on my floor! I hope your day is going a lot better than mine, dear Carebear.

    1. gloria is prettier than taylor. eeeeeew, dog barf!

      partly sunny here today. spouse is planting tomatoes and cukes in the garden. I organized my yarn room, made up a grocery list for monday, and brought down the dirty laundry (tomorrow is wash day). just got up from a nap.

    2. Wow! You sure needed a nap! Yeah, dog barf. It's not as frequent as my late cat's was though. Cujo just finds little plastic things and has to munch on them. On occasion, they come right back out.

    3. yeah, my girls barf up hair balls. I decided to do a load of laundry today; I have a second one for tomorrow.

    4. Phil just threw up a lizard. Hair balls are nothing compared to lizard innards.

    5. @Jimmy- Lizard innards, BLEECH! Is Phil your boyfriend *snicker* ?

    6. LIZARD? OMB!

      @deedles - phil is jimmy's cat

    7. @Anne Marie- I figured Phil was probably a furbaby. I was being facetious (which is fancy talk for smart ass). I never know who I can play with until I play with them :)

    8. ah, you guys,.....after drump drains the US for Putin, Phil and I will be fighting over a can of Tender Tasty Tuna. He will have to thrive on lizards!

    9. At least with lizards you won't have to worry about a can opener. I think Phil has the right idea. Try it. Maybe lizard tastes just like chicken :)

    10. ay yi yi, lizards are cute and NOT meant for eating! by anyone!

    11. AM, you have never been chased by a 5 foot Iguana! People in the islands of the Caribbean eat Iguana roasted and stewed. You can find recipes on youtube.

    12. @jimmy - my sister had a pet iguana named mortimer when we were younger. he was a cutie. loved to swim in the bathtub and climb the xmess tree.

    13. Anne Marie, I think cows are cute, but I'll eat one in a heartbeat! Not at one sitting of course. My sister had snakes. Max was a cute little ribbon snake. I used to wear him on my head when I visited her. Good times.

    14. lol. I went to a party once as Alice Cooper with an eight foot python draped on my shoulders. Lesson: How to clear a room!lolololol

    15. @deedles - awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. we have garter (non-poison) snakes around here; they are small and ribbon-like and cute.

      @jimmy - LOL

  12. Love, love, love Taylor Dane! Love Will Lead You Back makes me tear up. Her voice is fantastic. For the longest time I thought she was black. I saw her in concert in a small theater in Chi and she was fab.
    Love this song too.


    1. she is jewish with a good voice. hope all is well in chi-town today.

  13. You know, I do think they might actually end up getting locked up, at least Billy might, Donnie Jr? I suspect he's already started packing his bags for the Red Eye to Moscow.

  14. Just wish every generation wouldn't be find it necessary to change the world!

  15. These are thoughts of comfort, yes.
