Saturday, May 25, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Far From Over" -
I wish this fucking Donald Dump nightmare were over RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

And yes, this IS Sylvester Stallone's brother singing AND he's a homeboy, so RECOGNIZE! 

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018

PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (May 28) to Cubby's man Tim!

PPS - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (May 26) to Mark & Joe!


  1. Same, girl, same. Every week I hope the one scandal comes that obliterates Cheeto and his reigb of stupidity and then.. nothing!
    And Frank had his moment and then disappeared, huh?


    1. frankie was cashing in on the family name. don't miss him at all.

  2. Was this from the film Staying Alive? Think it might have been.
    Far from over? He’ll be over here soon. No doubt grid locking London. I hear the whole gang are coming over.
    JP x

  3. Frank was the hot Stallone for a hot minute.
    JP? What will it take for you to keep him when he comes over?
    Asking for a nation.

    Have a faboosh weekend AM!

    1. I could ask the clan round for dinner to Spanish Onion but we’re not as posh as Mar-a-Lago so not sure they’d stick around?
      JP x

    2. Mar-a-Lago? If the great Bette Davis were present she'd say- "WHAT A DUMP."

    3. @bob - see my suggestion above to JP.

      @JP - I would LOVE to visit the spanish onion and watch guido cooking.

      @pearly - the dump has turned mar-a-lago into a dump!

  4. Replies
    1. I had to go back and check that out...2 words: FUG LY!

  5. Can one RECOGNIZE even if it's kind of icky? Staying Alive used to be one of my cheesy guilty pleasures. Now? Not so much. Have a happy weekend, Carebear. I'm going camping and I'm hoping I won't get eaten by a bear. Balder Half is more of a shedding otter :)

    1. the only bear I ever want to consume me is a hairy male bear of the human variety (wink wink)! have a good time on the camping trail.

  6. Our leader announced her leaving date yesterday, 10th June (though she'll still be hanging around after that, worse luck, until a new leader is appointed). This will be just a few days after your own leader (sorry!) comes over to meet her as well as to banquet with Her Maj and to take tea with Prince Chuck and the lovely Camilla. It'll be one departing leader greeting another, one who ought to have done so looooooong time ago. Can she give him any tips on how it feels, I wonder?
    The current bookies' favourite to replace Mrs May, and way our front, is our own version of POTUS - a chump, a clown and a sometimes racist - and, of course, a manic Brexiteer - though NOT a dunce (unless the American Pres. can also recite Latin and Greek aphorisms and he's keeping it quiet!). You may remember having seen Boris Johnson helplessly hanging from overhead wires at the time of the London Olympics - well, that's the one aspiring to be our next Prime Minister. He's referred to certain races as "piccaninnies with water-melon smiles" and more recently described burka-wearing Muslim women as letter-boxes or looking like terrorists - which didn't go down too well in many circles. So if he becomes our next leader (and POTUS says that he'd make a "mighty fine Prime Minister"!) we'd only be joining the current growing club of countries led by repulsives. What a fun world this is!

    And on that cheery note, I wish you and all your co-residents a jolly nice w/e (while we yet await our 'proper' Summer!)

    1. ewwwwwwwwwwwww, boris said THAT????? deplorable! he and the dump and vlad should all get along well.

      you are lucky you live outside london and don't have to put up with the dump family vacation visit. props to QEII for bowing out of this shitshow. I wonder how chuck and camilla are going to deal with it?

      we attended a gay wedding yesterday; RTG's cousin jim married michael in a short ceremony at their home. friends of the couple made all sorts of delicious potluck food and there was a rainbow wedding cake.

      today is a sunny blue sky hot one, so we are doing chores indoors with the air conditioner running. tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, so there will be a BBQ for just us. then tuesday it's back to work. and just like that, 2019 is half over already.

      the pussie girls send their purrs to you and yours.

    2. I hadn't realised till I read it this morn that BLOTUS is bringing over ALL the Trumps he's spawned (saints preserve us!) one week tomorrow - or at least those we know about - plus, presumably, their respective spouses. Gee! How is the U.S.A. going to manage for a few days while the entire gang of those who call the shots are all away at the same time? I suppose they'll all be angling to take selfies with their hands on shoulders of one or more royals. ('When two 'royal' families meet'?) If there isn't a single mis-step or breach of protocol among that lot then I'm the tooth fairy! Normally we can rely on BLOTUS all by himself to deliver the howlers, but now a herd of them......! I'm sure Stephen Colbert & Co are going to get enough material to last a month or more.

      Never been to a gay wedding but would love to, though not having any face-to-face friends at all, gay or otherwise doesn't help. In fact haven't been to ANY wedding for 32 years - that was for one of my nieces, now currently undergoing a divorce! Pleased that you accepted the invite, though how could you not?

      Reciprocal purrs are sent to your own triplets + you.

    3. trust me when I tell you we won't miss these swamp things AT ALL! and yes, the spawn get to bring their spouses. can you have QEII imprison all of them in the tower of london? PLEASE?

      RTG has written a new post about the wedding.

    4. Waiting for that RTG post with considerable interest, W.Q. Hope he has some words of comfort for us!

    5. he posted yesterday, dear; check it out!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. The light has dawned! I actually had already read that blog of RTG's, W.Q. - but for some reason I'd been thinking he'd written another one about (believe it or not) the Trump and all his family trying to gate-crash into a British royal wedding in London! Now where I'd got that from, search me! I think I must have had an unpleasant dream and it had filtered into my life. There isn't another royal wedding impending anyway, as far as I know - though there surely will be another one in not too long a time. But oh dear! Looks like acute senility has at last caught up on me! Apologies for this madness. There'll bound to be more to come, don't you doubt it ;-)

  7. Eek gawds!!!! Me thinks the Stallone brothers should have had back up professions. One can't sing the other can't act. But this is more about having a great weekend tootes!!!!!

    1. Sylvester had one. Have you ever heard of the movie The Italian Stallion? *giggles*

    2. @maddie - TRUE! SO TRUE!

      @ravager - sly THINKS he's a great lover; bwhahahahahaha!

  8. I didn't know his brother had a song out. I thought it was ok, not my type of music but not horrible. I can see the resemblance.
    It's not just Americans who would like to see "it" go away.

    1. the WHOLE WORLD wants to see the dump and his family to drop dead!

  9. Nice mic action! I think he also sang the theme song for Cocoon.

    As for the Idiot Jerk? It does seem as if he's been in an eternal death spiral.

    1. it's SO demoralizing to wake up every morning and find out it still lives.

  10. Gosh, I almost forgot Frankie had a career. But didn't he come out as a Trumper? I'd have to check.

    I really wish that Orange Skidmark would defect to Moscow where he belongs.

    1. sly is the dumptard; ain't sure about frankie. sly is now dead to me.

  11. Have a great week, Maybe Japan will detain fatso -

  12. Oh dear god. Frank Stallone. How could I have forgotten. And what great (not) choreography! Maybe Drumpf will ask Japan for asylum... or maybe he'll just be put in one.

    1. see my comment to JP above. yeah, frank has talent - NOT!

  13. Replies
    1. #notmypresident #nevermyprisident
      GO PETE!

    2. I'd take almost anybody over Drumpf at this point....Mayor Pete, Joe Biden, Daffy Duck...

      WHEN will this nightmare be over?!?! I'm going to get drunk and dance in the street when he leaves office.

    3. the rug sure has more brain cells than the dump will ever have!

  14. I never heard of Frank Stalone. RJJS

    1. that's cause he's forgettable, save this one "song"!

  15. I am glad to be back on the day-after conga line!
