Saturday, September 14, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Shotgun" - melt them ALL down!  Fuck the NRA!  Fuck the GOPricks!  Fuck the evilgelicals!  Go Beto!

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018

PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (September 13) to Linda!

PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (September 16) to RJ!

PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (September 18) to Jeffrey Breen!

PS - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (September 7) to Leanna & David!



  1. Haha Evilgelicals is my world of the day!
    And Beto did freak out all the Amnosexuals, huh?


    1. evilgelicals is a word I stole from

      the poor widdle ammosexuals got their lacy panties in a twist with beto's pronouncement.

  2. I, too, am loving "evilgelicals."
    Have a faboosh weekend, AM!!

    1. evilgelicals is a word I stole from

      were you affected by dorian in any way?

  3. I so glad you use the word Fuck lightly.

  4. The word of the week. Evilgelicals!

  5. I love to go-go girls in the video. Fuck the NRA. How you have a great weekend. RJJS

  6. Got my boogie on...on my birthday! Thanks Anne Marie. You are the best!

  7. Evilgelicals is right! Thanks, AM. You are wonderful and I hope you have a great weekend.

  8. Lol, evilgelicals very fitting, they are like the christian wing of the nazi movement or some kind of fascist regime.

  9. Don't know if you saw it, but Cruz said background checks would demoralize the Republican base... he, of all people, should know they have no morals to demoralize.

  10. Don't think I've ever been so far down in your comments, W.Q.

    As this is likely to be our last 'hot' day of this year (70F - so it's all relative) I've been out along the sea-front making the most. Now I'm back and I doubt if my (walking out) shorts will see the light of day again before next Summer now. And by then where will we be? Will Brexit have happened? ('thanks' no doubt to compulsive liar and POTUS-like oaf, BoJo) How many more of POTUS's staff will have resigned or been expelled? Will we still be alive? Will the next Bond be JANE Bond? These are a mere four of the great unknowns of today.

    Have a fine remainder of w/e, all of you.

    1. oooooooooooooooh, out by the seafront - I am mad jealous of you! I love hearing the sea roll in and out.

      you should model your walking out shorts for your adoring fan base!

      today RTG and I went out for my birthday dinner. we were supposed to do it last sunday, but we both were not up to it. plenty of fresh seafood on the menu, plus prosecco. then we came home and took a long nap.

      it gets dark here at 7:30 now, dammit. but no other signs of autumn are about.

      cats are all well. smooches to all breathing creatures at your house!

    2. Thanks. We're all fine here, all five of us (me + 4 furry one).
      I'm way past 'modelling' - shorts or wearing anything else, or even something less. Body is showing and feeling its age, and I'm at the stage now when I couldn't care less what others think of how I look. That's just too bad for them!
      Positive strokes to all.

    3. eh, you sound like me. no one wants to see my "charms", not even me on most days. but we are beautiful on the inside, where it counts. pet your 4 furry friends for me.

  11. Some day you will kick me out as Saturday night party for me is always Sunday.

  12. Anne, I sure do like that word you stole!

  13. Ah, 1960's spastic dancing. I must say, that All Star singing into the mic with Jr. is kind of purty. I love this song!
