Saturday, October 5, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"The Freaks Come Out At Night" - and during the day from the White House/Congress!

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018


  1. Ah, someone is partying early. Good evening! It's still 9pm over here but I'm in a partying mood. Bottoms up, AM and have a great weekend!

    1. not really partying, dear; just published after midnight and went back to bed. and my bottom is always being sat upon...

  2. Thought I'd have been first again this week, W.Q., but runner-up is still good enough for me.

    What with you-know-who blatantly asking on camera for China's help to collar Biden & Son (he's only seeking to root out corruption, you understand!) one might said that he's finally lost it - but we all know that happened a long, long time ago. The man is barking mad BIG-TIME! Darned shame that there'll be enough in the Senate to STILL support him and save him from the 'imp' word, but will it be just a postponement? One can only hope.

    I see your temps have fallen to a more reasonable seasonal level now, as have ours.
    Have a grand w/e/

    1. yes, we feel more like autumn now. the heat is on in the house. trees still waiting to turn pretty colors.

      it sux how slowly the wheel of justice turns; barking mad ain't even HALF of how fucking insane the dump is.

      pussies are taking their morning naps. RTG is waiting to hear if he will be released from hospital today.

  3. Well what the neighbors probably say the same when they see men coming in and going out.

    1. hee hee hee! and they are too polite to say something!

  4. I peach the whole bunch, send them back to the swamp they crawled out of.

  5. Calling this bunch of miscreants and traitors 'freaks' is mean actual freaks.
    These are corrupt, goose-stepping, asshatted traitors who are putting country over party and they need to be locked up.

    That said, Faboosh weekend AM!

  6. A remarkably catchy little tune, LOL! Love the white hot pants and boots.

  7. Nevermind the freaks, I'm ready for all the RATS to start jumping ship! What fun it's going to be!!

    1. some GOPers have already abandoned the dumptanic in the house; we need senators and cabinet people to grab a lifeboat and leave!

  8. Love the tune! Soul Train was the ish!
    And also, I have to go out at night more often, no?

    1. we white kids would watch "american bandstand" for the top 40 songs, then switch over to "soul train" for what the cool kids were hearing/dancing to. "soul train" was much more classy.

  9. The freaks are everywhere lately. I never know what I'll find when I read the news! As for Whodini, was that get-up with the go-go boots worn by Jalil Hutchins EVER cool? And... has it ever been proven that Don Cornelius was a robot?

    1. more freaks now than ever; look at all the freaks that suck dump's lil mushroom!

  10. Well, this one is new to me! I like it. The freaks can come on out and then leave...begone bastards.

  11. You know, somebody wearing belted boxers, a hat and a pleather jacket has a lot of cojones to sing about freaks! I've never heard of this song, either (I'm beginning to sound like a broken record).

    1. 'twas the fashion back in the day. don cornelius was always a sharp dressed, smooth talking man.

  12. I'm not familiar with the song, but could be good for Halloween? And in the US, the same thing, no? With the current nightmare.

  13. Both Bob and Deedles made good points in regard to the miscreants freeloading in White House.

    1. I'mma telling ya, the white house and congress and the cabinet are going to have to be fumigated, smudged, and spellcast to get the evil outta there!

  14. Anne Marie! Another friend of mine has a husband who got a hip replacement on Wednesday....what a coincidence! I hope yours heals well and feels better than ever soon! I'll be sending good vibes.

    1. thanks, jen. he had the left hip replaced last year; no more pain on that side. it will take about 6 months before he is feeling back to "normal" again.

  15. Haven't heard this one in a while. Every day the scale tips more to our side. Soon he'll be gone along with Miss Pence which paves the way for Madame President Pelosi. I hope Miss Lindsey Graham goes away too. RJJS

  16. I had it down to 'be on time for once' but I fell asleep.

  17. Don't forget, October 11th is the 31st annual Coming Out Day. Fly your flags high!

    1. talk about COMING OUT! ya think miss lindseybelle graham will come out? or ryan seacrest?
