Saturday, October 19, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Bad Romance" - we the people are caught in this bad romance with Lil Donnie Dictator.  November 2020 is coming...

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018



  1. Your nightmare goes on, W.Q. and so does ours, with Parliament meeting on today, a Sat, for first time after 37 years, ostensibly to get this wretched Brexit over with and passed - and if there's any wisdom in the world (doubtful in any case) it will FAIL!
    But in the same way that BLOTUS is dismissive of such trivial things as Middle East Wars ("they got lots of sand over there!") and dissing strategic allies, I bury head in hands while waiting to wake up from this prolonged bad dream.

    Btw: Sorry I missed congratulating you and RTG on your anniversary on Thurs, especially since I registered my congrats to Bob and Carlos on same day. Please take this note as belated reparation.

  2. A fave Gaga song! Haven't seen that video for awhile, so thanks!

  3. Good tune!
    I like the song, but need this faux-mance to end!
    Have a faboosh weekend, AM.

    And thank YOU for the anniversary card!

    Bob and Carlos

  4. I heard this song for the first time on an episode of Glee. I like it, though not a Gaga fan.
    Carebear, check your e-mail.

    1. did you send me an e-mail? I didn't get it.

    2. To quote Ray Stevens, "Yeah, I did!" I sent you an e-card on and for your anniversary. Maybe it got lost in the ether.

    3. well hell! nope, never came. shit. tech ain't all it's cracked up to be. I even checked my spam folder; nothing.

    4. That's very odd. The thing said that it was sent, but I never got a message that it was picked up. I sent it to the same address as the one you gave me for your art work :) Tech gremlins at their very best.

  5. Don't waste your money. I'm going to win!

  6. Quote of the week. "All roads lead to Putin."

    I hope your husband is well on the mend and you, not too exhausted.

    1. it's been a tough week, jimmy. both of us in pain; my SAD has kicked in; I just fired my leg MD. and add in all the donald dump garbage and I am ready for the nuthouse!

  7. Looks like me getting out of the tub tonight!
    Hope this reaches you and hubby.
    Jean-Paul and Guido oh get us all anonymous and formal.

    1. IT DID, LIL BRO, IT DID! I would pay good money to see you get outta a tub...

  8. Love that song! And the video!

    Jimmy's right about the roads. The Idiot Jerk's doing the 2020 G7 at his place just to show Putin his house... and bedroom.

    1. If Putin shows up, it will be G8.

    2. No, back to G7. If our (latest) Prime Minister, BoJo, goes - which he will - though why bother as his words will only be parroting those of his Best Friend and admirer, the BLOTUS himself. -

    3. now that the doral meeting has been cancelled, wonder what's going to happen next?

  9. This is one of my gym workout videos!

  10. I love this song, and I even love the Glee version too.

    Hope you're having a great weekend!


      watch johnny weir skate to this tune!

  11. My take is this, Donnie and Mikey are kissing Russian butt and throwing everyone including one another under the bus. They will be impeached and prosecuted. Nancy becomes the first female POTUS. The republicans are late in the day coming up with an adequate presidential hopeful to run on their party ticket, leaving the door open for Joe, Bernie or Elizabeth. The sad thing is the reality star president is giving us an daily Peyton Place to watch while the Russians run away with our Democracy.

    1. thanks for stopping by; anything can happen at this point!

  12. This is GaGa at her best. I think this is her best album, too. I dance every time I put this record on.
    And Cheeto backed off his BedBug convention? Not surprising after all, people raised their voices. ITMFA!


    1. now he wants to sell his DC property. the walls are closing in...

  13. Per the Los Angeles Times, It's time do undo the great mistake of 2016. RJJS

  14. I read your George Carlin comment on another blog. Any one who likes GC deserves a visit.

    1. thanks for stopping by; I comment on leanna's blog. stick around!

  15. Where is Lady Gaga these days, did she quit or something after doing well as an actress?

  16. you and gaga could play dress-up for days.
