Saturday, November 2, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Just a Gigolo" - Donald Dump THINKS he's quite the ladies man (just ask Carly Simon), but in reality he is just an orange turd with a microcock.

PS - Which version (the original or the reissue) do YOU like better and why?
"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018

PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (November 8) to Dave!


  1. I have always liked Louie Prima. I listened to 10 seconds of the other and clicked off. I am sure the reason is I was born before 1950. ;)

  2. I don't like either version. Why is this song always played for laughs?

  3. BLOTUS sure didn't waste any time in poking his nose in. I don't know if it was news over there but here on the very FIRST day of our General Election Campaign he's phoning a radio programme fronted by his pal, Brexit fanatic Nigel Farage, to say what a great guy BoJo is and that if Nigel Garbage and BoJo teamed up they'd become an 'unstoppable force' - and, would you believe it, if Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn were to win it would take our country to a very, very bad place. So there you have it! Just imagine if a foreign country, say Russia for example, were to interfere in an American election what would HE then think? My case rests.

    Have a luverly w/e, W.Q.

  4. Granted the first part (Just A Gigolo)is misogynistic, but the gigolo pays for his sins of one night stands when he realizes he does not have a listing relationship. The message we should take from this is that the gigolo philosophy is not to be emulated.

    Re: the David Lee Roth version. Roth built a public persona on the "spokesperson for the immoral majority" (his words). I've always regarded his version of "Gigolo/Nobody" as a commentary on the celebrity culture of the 1980's spawned by MTV.

    I like both versions in the context of the times when they were performed.

  5. Thanks for the birthday wish! One of these years I'm going to have to start acting my age... maybe.

    Louis Prima by a landslide. Roth's version was about his reputation for banging as many chicks as possible and pretty much said that as a guy, that's all you need to do. And poor Louis? Ends up alone with a bunch of horns and woodwinds...

  6. Oh wow did you ever make me laugh with the Orange turd micro ___* comment! Hahaha!

    I like the David Lee Roth version!

    1. get out the magnifying glass (just ask stormy daniels)!

  7. I'll take the David Lee Roth version because it seemed more camp.

    We hit a Día de Muertos this morning and saw some great costumes, had some great food and listened to some great music.
    Yes, Mexicans; not drug dealers and rapist dontcha know.

    1. and gang members, you forgot gang members. I think a celebration like that (dia de los muertos) would be fun!

  8. The David Lee Roth version, Have a Fabulous Week!

  9. Trump wishes he was as smooth as a gigolo!!! But I too like the first version better, I feel watching Roth I need a scrub down.

  10. I like the short version Larry on Three's Company sang during one episode, but that's just me. I love the older version, and I can appreciate the over the top version DLR put out.

  11. The second video is nuts. The first has better music. I guess things weren’t politically correct then (what was?), but the beat sounds good.
    Big kiss.
    JP x

  12. Oh Anna Marie, you’ve got it all wrong. Don’t cha know he found religion and now has people praying over his sin ridden body. Apparently Jesus likes lying, misogynistic, racist, greedy, Russian pawns.

  13. The original... although I used to enjoy seeing David Lee Roth take his shirt off. And watching the video now, I can’t believe I ever enjoyed that!

  14. I hope Dump heard me booing from South Florida! We don't want him here, but his base (the hundreds of millionaire crooked russians in Miami) will protect him.
    Hugs in bunches!

  15. The black and white cat you have on your profile picture looks just like my cat Tara. I just thought I'd tell you that. Is your cat a squawker? My cat talks all the time.

  16. WOO HOO, Kentucky and Virginia!
