Saturday, July 25, 2020

Saturday Night #BlackLivesMatter Protest Party! (Part 8)

This is how I am feeling right now.

In memory of Elijah McClain.

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018

PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (July 20) to Mark's husband Joe! 

Kicking it old school again this week.

Homeboy, so RECOGNIZE!

Homegirls, so RECOGNIZE!

And just for Uptonking:

Homeboys, so RECOGNIZE!


  1. It's the funniest thing, but of all these clips the one thing that stood out was I had forgotten how pretty Claude Raines was when he was younger. Silly, isn't it?

    1. FIRST AGAIN! in which clip did claude raines appear?

    2. Slap my forehead! And you made fun of me for not recognizing Ann Miller?????

    3. hey, I didn't watch the "casablanca" clip; I just wanted a video of dooley wilson.

  2. When I was a wee queerling, one summer at Lake Tahoe, my parents were going to see Sammy Davis Jr at Caesar's Tahoe and took me along.
    I never forgot what a great show that was and have been a huge fan aver since. I must have 30 records and CD's of his, all wonderful.

    Have a faboosh weekend AM!

    1. DAYUM! you got to see sammy live! such a talent; pity he smoked himself to eath.

  3. Lots of good musical picks today, Anne Marie! Thanks and have a great weekend!

    1. you are most welcome. hope your balcony vacation is going well.

  4. Arthur Prysock! Squeeeee! Oh my lord, this brings back memories. My mother and her polar opposite sister used to argue over who was better Johnny Mathis or Arthur Prysock. My aunt, who's alive and kicking at 83, loves Prysock to this very day. I used to get his voice mixed up with Brook Benton's. Doesn't matter, it's all good.
    I really like this line up, Carebear. I still have a hard time accepting the seventies as old school :)

    1. arthur prysock fer sure; I agree with your aunt.

      the 70s were 50 years ago, so old school yeah.

      keep watching this space for more great music, duchess! {{{{{hugs}}}}}

  5. About time we tried to regain my 'First' crown, methinks.
    Have to return later to play all these aural delights, W.Q.

    Have a languidly restful w/e and an accordingly pleasant week ahead.

    1. we are in a bad heat wave here; 90s-100s F. can't breathe in that mess.

      RTG and cats and I are still well and healthy. RTG did his saturday morning grocery run early yesterday, then it was in for the day. today is laundry day/pay the bills day for me.

      I have a knitting project that is 95% finished; I hope to complete it this week and move on to something else. I have several UFOs (unfinished [knitting] objects) waiting for me to pick them up and complete them; winter sweaters mostly.

      you and the pussies have a good week also. did you see the new QEII portrait; such a classy lady.

    2. Very strange, W.Q., but I wasn't aware of any new painting of QEII [the person, not the ship] and I didn't notice mention in the news. Perhaps it has something to do with whenever there's talk of the Royals I'm reaching for the remote. But now I have seen the painting it really is suitably imposing.
      I wonder how much longer she can maintain her duties as monarch. Chuck must be having to bite his tongue daily to stop himself making any suggestion to her - and as for the lovely Camilla, she must be peeved beyond words at having to wait so long to have a turn on the throne.
      For longevity, I think Her Maj must be trying to outdo her mummy who survived to 101, and she doesn't now have so long to go to achieve that.

      I see you're still enduring baking temps. We're going to have our hottest day of the year [so far] tomorrow, with temps widely expected in the 30sC - but then after that single day it's going to cool down straight away, something I know you'd be wishing for yourselves.

      Keep cool, as far as is poss - and stay safe.

  6. OMG the teens dancing totally sent me! I learns that then like today, teens used to dance to black artists all the time. All the dance crazes came from black kids.
    Dear lord. Was Harry Belafonte handsome!
    I’m with Jimmy. Track of My Tears is absolutely fantastic. I have two Smokey LPs. I should get a greatest hits.

    1. "teens used to dance to Black artists all the time. All the dance crazes came from Black kids." - GAYmen! you are correct; the supremes/tops/temps/miracles/vandellas/etc. taught us well. and to harmonize like them was perfection!

      smokey is still going strong in his 80s. a music treasure.

  7. As Time Go By is one of my favorite songs and British shows. I'm not familiar with to many here this week, but I'm crazy about Harry!

    1. well, maddie, kick back and learn! I've been teaching sixpence some finer musical things. lots of jazz greats in this collection. and SHOW TUNES!

  8. I absolutely love Dionne Warwick. Love that song.

  9. I miss Dionne Warwick. I remember seeing her on Solid Gold as a kid and loving her songs on the radio. I hope you're having a great weekend.

    1. I used to watch solid gold too, but for andy gibb (rawr).

  10. bet you and I could sing that tune together. that's when REAL MUSIC was being made!

  11. I happened to be once at Mr. Mathis' funeral; he asked me to make less noise.

  12. Ooh, I had lots of these on albums, but South Street was a 45 I played until I wore it out.

    1. where do all the hippies meet? south street, south street.

      where the dancing is elite. south street, south street.

  13. I always come here to get my groove on...come dance with me, sister! We can show them how it's done!

    1. shake dat ass, wave those hands in da air like you don't care!
