Saturday, December 12, 2020

Le Cawfee Break - UPDATED #2


Cawfee/tea break time; be back next week!😘😘

Had outpatient surgery yesterday (not serious), and am not feeling up to a whole post.

PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (December 15) to Spo's Someone!

PPS - I tested negative for COVID-19!


  1. Take it very nice 'n easy, W.Q. Get a good caffeine buzz as you rest back and watch the world go by. We'll 'see' you again when you're feeling fit enough again. [Good news about your post-surgery condition - and that negative test. Let's keep it that way].

  2. And that reminds me: Time to make my tea... and SG's coffee. No art, sadly. So happy you're negative!

  3. With our gin intake, you make a negative covid -19 test result sound like a shock?!?!?! But good news none the less.💖💖💖

    I have several houseboys coming to give you your sponge bath dear...what time do you want them there?

  4. Rest up!!

    And good news on the negative covid!!

  5. Take it easy, AM.
    Sending positive vibes.
    That is what I'd call "good" negativity!

  6. Recover quickly. We need your sensibility and positive attitude on life and the world.

  7. I hope you are feeling better soon, love ya

  8. Congrats on the test! I understand knitting and reading are both good palliatives.

  9. Glad to hear that all went well -- feel better soon!

  10. Bestest wishes and yeah on negative test!

  11. Oh, I do hope all is well. Take good care of yourself. As for the Covid test... of course you're negative... you do all the right things. Sending you lots of healing energy and hugs. Kizzes.

  12. Oh no! I hope you're feeling better soon! And that's really good news about your negative test. Stay safe and keep us updated on how you're doing, okay? Hugs.

  13. Take it easy and enjoy yourself. Have a great weekend, and I'm glad everything is okay.

  14. Relax. Rest. Recoup. Recover. Return when your ready. We’ll wait!


  15. Shawn (the dear!) told me of your matter. I too hope you get well soon.
    I will tell Someone of your shot-out; you are a dear too!

  16. this is what I wrote on

    (friday) I am having outpatient surgery on my legs (both of them). the ulcers have gotten to be too painful AND have gotten infected. I hope to have normal legs again next year.

    the surgery (friday) went well. legs are wrapped and elevated. got home about 2:30p and went right to sleep. currently on oxycodone for the pain (wheee!); spouse and cats are good nurses. I see the surgeon on monday for a post-op check.

    so this is why I took a break this week. I have been fighting this leg problem since 02/2019. two MDs and their staff were absolute horrors; called me "drama queen" and "crybaby". the third MD and his staff has been nothing but kind and considerate and have treated me with dignity and respect. good MDs are hard to find.

  17. Good grief!
    Glad you found good folks finally!
    xoxo :-)

  18. Yay! Glad everything went well!
    I can't believe (well, I can) that you had to go through three MDs to get the attention you needed. Let us know how the post-op goes.


  19. so I saw the surgeon this morning (12/14). He says I am healing nicely. I AM IN A FUCK TON OF PAIN! I had to have spouse push me in a wheelchair up to the surgeon's office as it is painful to walk. I see the surgeon again on friday (12/18).

  20. I can absolutely vibe with you on how dismal some medical personnel can be about pain. I'm glad you finally found some civil staff and have gotten the care you deserve. You call on Mistress Maddie and borrow a few pool boys, settle in with some trashy novels and recuperate in style, lady!

  21. Enjoy your break, glad the surgery went well and hooray you tested negative.
