Saturday, January 16, 2021

Le Bluecoat Gin Break

Bluecoat Gin break time; be back next week!😘 

Why? I am working my way through this magnificent buffet (PS - mos def NSFW)!


  1. Ah, I see. Initially I thought that it was the 'Blue' that appealed, which would have been understood perfectly. Then I clicked on the buffet link and.......MAMMA MIA! You've sure got a busy w/e ahead of you!

    1. did you see anything you liked, king raybeard? I'll share the bounty with you. and our philly-made bluecoat goes down (heh heh heh, "goes down") as smooth as bombay sapphire, my second fave gin.

      hope you and the pussies are safe and warm and well.

    2. I was rather overwhelmed by it all, W.Q. Not sure my heart would have survived long enough to get to the end.

      I'll have to postpone imbibing the Bluecoat for a while yet. It's now 4 years since I gave up [or is it 5?] - not that 'it' was ever a serious problem for me, just the realisation that it brought me nothing other than a headache. Nevertheless, when I'm ready......

      Yes, we're all safe and well here, though having to rely on plug-in electric heaters rather than central heating has got mighty costly. But the 'kids' demand warmth so I just gotta obey. Will be so much happier when this darned Winter's gone for good.

      Oh, today is when we over-70s start being invited to get a prick. Can't wait to get one inside of me.

      Hope you're all equally well - and WARM!

    3. RTG and I are on a county wait list for our vax. they say it could be one month or more before we get our shots.

      we have natural gas central heat. I am on my electric/gas company monthly budget plan; I pay $211/month for all the gas & electric I use. the costs are higher in winter and summer than spring and autumn. it all evens out in the end. and we all stay warm.

    4. This Winter my two electric heaters are costing around £300 per month - translating as currently about $410 [American] p.m. In Summer I'd expect it to drop to under £100. So the average is probably not much more than yours, though that's with my using just two heaters, leaving non-heated rooms [kitchen, bathroom and hall] permanently cold. So really not very cosy-effective.

    5. probably not. sounds like we are about equal on pricing though.

  2. WELL! Happy Anne Marie Day indeed! No wonder you need a week off!

  3. I've seen that buffet. It's not safe for for anywhere! Happy feasting!

  4. LOL... I should have made it Anne Marie WEEK! P.S. Would love to split that bottle with you! Oh, c'mon.... there's plenty to go around, hon! Kizzes.

  5. Gin and bush. Whatta day it was!!!

  6. Wow! What a buffet, indeed! Happy Anne Marie day!

  7. Yes...get through the buffet.

  8. Lucky girl! There's more wieners in that post than what my market had in stock between Nathan's, Oscar Meyer, and Ball Park combined. Enjoy your day!

    1. I like ball park and sabrett franks. but this is a banquet!

  9. Replies
    1. ain't it though! did you find one or more you want to sample?

  10. Woah! I don't think I'll need to share this one with the Boy Scout ;)

  11. Well, Anne Marie Day should be every day. Especially with those treats!
    And gin? Yes, please!


    1. DAMN STR8 (or gay). see any menz you like? I'll share!

  12. You should have learned from Maddie that gin and key boards don't mix well. Glad to hear all is well, with what, the covid raging out of control there. I recently got word my uncle passed of covid from my sister. He lived actually in Malvern PA.

    1. my condolences. I grew up in the paoli/malvern area, after my "parents" moved to the burbs from the city. both spouse and I are covid-negative and are awaiting the vax. and I NEVER drink the gin near the keyboard.
