Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Music Award From a Fellow Blogger!

So Debra (the dear) gave me this award.  It won't keep me warm at night, or make love to me, but it lets me wax rhapsodic (see what I did there?) about music.

1 - What does music mean to you?

EVERY FUCKING THING!  It soothes me, it provided me an escape in the abusive home where I grew up.  It has been with me thru miserable high school/college years, marriages, divorce, cancer surgery, job changes, house moves, unemployment stints, gym workouts, car rides, love, grief, house chores, and menopause.   It gives me on-the-job stress relief.  It is background noise when I am knitting.  It can lull me to sleep on a Saturday afternoon.  Without music, my life would have no meaning.

2 - What's your first music-related memory?

My maternal grandmother playing "Theme From A Summer Place" on her turntable.  The year was 1960.

3 - What was the first album you purchased yourself?

"Rubber Soul" - Beatles; I still have the album.  A selection from that album:

4 - What's the latest music you purchased?

"Ella Fitzgerald's Greatest Hits".  Mark turned me on to her music.  FABULOUS!

5 - What's the last song you listened to? (be honest)

Vince Guaraldi's "Cast Your Fate to the Wind".

Now to award my fellow bloggers:

DR. SPO - Spo Reflections

MARK - Tales of the Sissy   

SEAN - Idol Eyes

JOHN - Going Gently  


  1. I must confess that I only know Vince Guaraldi's music from the old Charlie Brown Christmas special so I appreciated hearing the selection you chose for this post. But I do know and love all the other music you chose! And wow -- your answer to the first question is definitely the best one I've read yet, bar none. And very true, I suspect, for all music lovers -- our favourite songs form the soundtrack of our lives!

    1. thank you, bee goddess! reading the other award winners texts has proved fascinating.

  2. I figured your post was coming today too. I LOVE Vince Guaraldi. He is always one of my go to's for a leisurely afternoon, or a good calm down for relaxation. A Summer Place....I just wanted to twirl in a flowing white linen dress! AH...ME IN WHITE!?!? Lovely answers sweetcheeks������

    1. you in white is just as silly as me in white - we two are no virgins! thanks for playing along!

  3. ��������������

    1. hopefully those are happy faces, roger, cause on my laptop they come up as question marks!

  4. I especially LOVE your answer to question #1 - - you've summed it up perfectly.
    Vince Guaraldi - - YES!!!

    First "album" I ever bought was Mozart's A minor piano concerto, Rudolph Serkin.

    1. I WAS going to nominate you, but the mistress beat me to it.

  5. Very cool songs you chose. The first time I heard "Theme From A Summer Place", it was the movie Caddyshack!

  6. The exquisitely heightened key change in 'Theme from a Summer Place' was one of the first true goosebumpy experiences in music that I recall having - though I was already a teenager (just) when the Percy Faith version came out. It 'only' got to #2 here in that year but I see it was top of the billboard charts for no less than NINE entire weeks in U.S.A. (Composed by Max Steiner, as was 'Gone with the Wind', 'Laura', 'Now Voyager' and many more).

    I'm sure I've mentioned before that the first pop album I bought was The Beatle's 'Help' (which was the one preceding 'Rubber Soul'). That was my first pop LP. My first long-player of all had been Holst's 'Planets Suite' about three years before that.

    'Cast your Fate.....' was a #5 hit here in 1964, but by a studio trio called, collectively, 'Sounds Orchestral'. Wish I was in a position to listen to your posting of the Guaraldi Trio version. (Alas!)

    And as for 'Ella'. well there's never been anyone to touch her delivery-wise. Every word clear as a bell - and with such STYLE!

    1. "sounds orchestral" is the version most popular here. vince wrote the song and plays it just like SO, except for the middle part, where he goes into a "charlie brown piano style" (think "linus and lucy").

      I have heard "planets suite" played on my classical radio station.

      there will never be another ella fitzgerald!

  7. Music for menopause, I think that could possibly be a successful new charity. What do you think?
    Ella is/was a treasure. Thank god we have her recorded.

    1. charity schmarity! I wanna get paid for this idea! charity begins at (my) home! ;-)

  8. Thank you for expanding some of my (musical) horizons :) I've been enjoying reading these posts on the various blogs that are participating.

    ~ Freckles

  9. Congratulations! RJJS

  10. It seems music had been a more faithful friend to you than a dog, Anne Marie. Nowhere Man is a sad song, isn't it? When do you feel like playing that one?

    1. generally when the Blue Coat runs dry.......

    2. maddie is such a smart ass! "bluecoat" is a philly-brewed gin, dear ape. and she KNOWS I loves my gin!

      I often felt like the "nowhere man" growing up. after I got therapy, I no longer felt that way.

  11. Thanks, AM! I'm working on it.


  12. As usual I am late to the party.
    This was fun reading; thank you for sharing your thoughts
    and thank you for a shout out! you are a dear!

    1. smooches, dear spo! can't wait to see what you pick!
