Saturday, February 9, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Slipping Into Darkness" - this is what has happened the past two years.  BUT we the people can change that!  Look what we did in the midterms!  Contact your federal/state/local reps; keep the pressure up on them to do the right thing for YOU and the COUNTRY.  Question everything from those individuals who have declared they are running for president in 2020.  SHINE YOUR LIGHT TO ELIMINATE THE DARKNESS!

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018


  1. Nothing beats a big loud saxophone on a Saturday morning!
    And thanks for reminding us about Summer.

    1. woke you up, didn't it? summer will be here before you know it. smooches!

  2. i love a good War, at least musically speaking.

    Have a faboosh weekend, AM!

  3. No sign here of any relapse into Winter weather, W.Q. - temps holding up for at least fortnight in long-term forecast, though I do wish it was a wee bit warmer. Hope yours is at least the same, and by no means any worse.
    Do have a good, relaxing, comfortable w/e - and the same to RTG and the three little misses.

    1. we are on the lookout for snow & ice monday & tuesday. YUCK! currently sunny with bright blue skies overhead\ though. another week of crazytown over here.

  4. I can’t wait for all these corrupt fools to get what’s coming. Ugh. But you’re right it’s the people who’s going to be in charge of getting all those complicit repugs out of their positions!


  5. I'll step out of the room, since I have no idea wo they are. I'll listen to Abba in the other room dear.

    Let's meet for a gin, hour say?

  6. I love WAR! We saw them live (as opposed to dead) at the Alameda County Fair a while back. It's Summer is my favorite by them but I always get a chuckle while watching A Knight's Tale when Lowrider is played.
    ABBA, Maddie, ABBA? So not on the same page!

  7. Change is coming. We're trying to oust Corey Gardner in Colorado. RJJS

  8. I love WAR. I also love that soon the Republicans will be running for the hills. Or Moscow. With every passing day, it seems like Mueller finds more things on them when he follows the rubles.

  9. My favorite word of the week: TRUNT, ie Susan Collins.

  10. Did someone say summer? I would settle for temperatures above butt freezing weather.. anything aaaahhh! My friends are all heading south for a few days to weeks, I told them safe trips, to enjoy themselves and to just know how much I hate all of them at the moment!!! Lol :D

  11. Great song. Actually, I think it's only the ass end of the country that's been 'slippin into darkness and any day they are going to be flushed.

  12. Your hope and bravery inspire us all; you stiffen our spines.
