Saturday, February 16, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Coming Into Los Angeles" - Dump thinks the "caravans" of "murderers/rapists/drug smugglers/criminals" are some sort of "national emergency".  Go to the LEGAL PORTS OF ENTRY, ASSMONKEY!  THAT'S where the drugs come in!  And your "emergency" is only in your fucked-up head!

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018

PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (February 11) to Mitchell's husband Jerry! 


  1. How does Drumf continue to get away with these lies?!? And on a happier note, Jerry sends you a big kiss. You are a Sweetheart!

    1. because the media and his dumplings (followers) LET him get away with it. SMOOCH back to dear jerry!

  2. In addition, there were more criminal types captured crossing the northern border last year than were nabbed at the southern.

    He's a pig.

  3. We continue to fight the wrong war on drugs, we fight a war on supply, instead of a war on demand. The same effort spent on alleviating poverty, despair, and improving mental health would reduce demand and put the importers out of business.

  4. A big, beautiful wall - Mexican-funded and made out of beautiful, clean coal? Why not? Sounds mighty fine to me. I'm won over! Finish that damn wall - only another 2,000 miles to go - and then, or well before then, let's start hearing about things that REALLY matter!
    (I'll now remove that tongue from my cheek!)

  5. Cheeto is just fanning the flames of the racist bonfire his followers keep going. I don’t know how long his con will be able to keep going but I hope it’s not much. Ugh. I despise him and his cult.


    1. I read this morning that mueller is going after cambridge analytical; I believe they have ties to wikileaks and assange.

  6. Less than two years to go and hopefully this nightmare will be all over!

  7. As always, you've picked the perfect song!

  8. As someone who lives within 25 miles of the border, we don't need it. Drug traffickers don't bother with entering the United States in the more remote areas. They use ports of entry, tunnels and panga boats in my area.

    Fuck Trump, and fuck those who support him.

    1. oooooh, HOW are you surviving this "national emergency" so close to the border? (sarcasm) muthafuckin' dump!

      see what I said to jimmy ^above.

  9. 45 vinyl! The oldies are the best. And I include myself in that...

    1. lil bro, old is age 85+. you ain't old. and neither am I. how was your mayo-filled valentine's day? SMOOCH to you and guido!

  10. Great song! I remember it well!

    As long as those Crazy Christians keep telling him there is an emergency while promising to vote for him... there will be an emergency.

    1. I wanna see more dumplings turn against him. wait til they see their annual tax refunds go bye-bye, and they find out they owe $$$!

  11. Thank you me dear, for the lovely card that arrived in the post! You are thoughtful lady.

    1. I know it's a week early, but...we wanted to recognize your special day!

  12. Can’t we please just have Obama back. We could sure use the peace.

  13. I've never heard this song (and the shocks keep a comin') and I couldn't get thru it. When did Arlo Guthrie start channeling Bob Dylan? He's always been kind of nasally, but I did like City of New Orleans. Carebear, you are just a treasure trove of titillating tunes. I'm staying away from the political stuff. My mandatory three day food diet before my first visit to a dietician is making me crazy enough! New meds, too. Funny how delicious foodstuffs look downright awful when written down.

    1. arlo has always sounded a bit like dylan to me. it's that midwest accent.
