Saturday, April 20, 2019

Saturday Night Dance Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Up Around The Bend" - time to celebrate Mayor Pete entering the race for president!  TEAM PETE 2020!  LET'S DANCE!

Watch this video: 


  1. CCR and the village People?And Pete?
    Great Saturday to you AM!

  2. The Village People... Okay, it has to be the construction worker.
    Love the dancing tiger. I have similar moves.
    Sun’s out in London Town. Extinction Rebellion idiots FINALLY being removed. Maybe small businesses can get back to normal and have customers again. Sorry about the ozone. Gosh you’re making me all political AM.
    JP x

    1. I like the cowboy AND the construction worker; men in leather...

      I bet you dance divinely, lil bro. I KNOW you and guido do in bed! (wink wink)

      happy chocolate eggs and marshmallow chicks and jelly beans day to you both!

  3. At this point...mayor Pete is the only candidate I completely 100% like. The rest of them...I dont mind....but....there is something about each of them that bugs me.

    I'm home for Easter and taking a few day off....happy Easter darling.

    1. same here. the others are too old or have too much baggage or are unknown.

      have a lovely time with your family, maddie!

  4. 50 years after the riot at Stonewall, we have a married gay man who served his country running for president of the United States.
    Think about it and let it sink in.

    1. WOW! amazing, ain't it! how far we have come, and yet so far to go. I am just swooning over this handsome intelligent well-spoken cultured man.

  5. 'In the Navy' was/is my own favourite of the small handful of V.P.'s 'hits'. Makes me want to jingle about in bell-bottoms.

    Our warmest Easter w/e since God-knows-when over here. Then mid-week back to a 'normal' cool again. But small mercies are most welcome.

    Btw: Does that hottie Pete B. have NO skeletons at all in his closet? (with apologies for the use of that word in this context). I've no reason to think that he has but am ever so nervous that someone's going to smoke something out. Anyway, as at now with yet a long way to go and plenty of hurdles, looking hopeful for him. Let's keep it positive.

    Have a fine, bunny-ful Easter hols - you and ALL the others.

    1. jingle away, dear!

      partly sunny this morning; we have chocolate candy eggs in the house. the pussies are on the sunporch watching the birdies flit about. RTG is about to start composing his sunday blog post. I have laundry to do today.

      we are supposed to turn warmer this week, so off will go the heat and the windows will be open. everything is in bloom and the allergies are running full tilt boogie.

      snorgles to you and the pussies!

  6. Pete is getting mentioned up here as well, only Biden is the other mention as far as I see. Pete seems human and quick thinking from what I have seen, unlike most scripted politicians. Plus those pictures of him in his uniform make me hope he is the real deal! He's seriously dreamy lol!

    1. ain't he though! those blue eyes, the way he looks at his husband...makes me melt! we need this man to run our country and gain back the respect we have lost.

  7. Credence is one of my all time favorite bands! There is no mistaking John Fogarty's voice.

  8. VP and CCR in the same post? You must really love us. :-)

    I think Pete would do a good job if he were elected.

  9. Mayor Pete show how ugly Evangelicals have become.

    1. and it's gonna get uglier as time goes on. those religious freaks will stop at nothing.

  10. Mayor Pete certainly looks and acts presidential. He is also well spoken unlike the current president. RJJS

  11. Happy Killer Rabbit day to you dearie!

    1. kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit! it's chocolate eggs day here! and chinese food for lunch!

  12. Pete is the anti-Cheeto. The Orange Dotard is a disgrace in each and every case. Pete is articulate, intelligent, empathizes easily, has charisma and is handsome. Everything Agolf Twiltler is NOT.
    Pete needs to BE in government. If not president, because the field is so crowded, then as vice-president.


    1. RAMEN! plus he plays an instrument, is faithful to his husband, and rescues doggies! he's a human being!

  13. I'll support Pete or Joe or, hell, Bugs Bunny if he gets the nomination. We HAVE to get rid of Drumpf one way or another!

  14. Mayor Pete rocks! I hope his momentum holds ups.

    1. me too. uncle joe just throws another monkey wrnch into the field. but whomever is the D candidate on the november 2020 ballot, that's who I'm selecting.
