Saturday, April 13, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Lying To Myself" - what Donald Dump, Julian Assange, Turtle McConnell, Putzy Pence, and every other muthafuckin' GOPrick is doing!  We the people are coming for you, you lying muthafuckas!

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018

PS - A belated Feliz Cumpleanos (April 7) to Carlos, Bob's husband!


  1. Replies
    1. hope you and the boy scout do something fun this weekend!

  2. With the longest day only just over two months away we're here suffering in the middle of a sequence of chilly days and FROSTY nights, Gawd help us! Hope you're doing rather better, W.Q.
    Wishing you and all a pleasant w/e.

    1. EVERYTHING around here is bloomin' mad; this equals itchy eyes and sneezing as the pollen count is off the charts high.

      yesterday I had a nice long boozy lunch with RTG and mistress maddie and non-blogger friend mike. mike delivers fedex packages to my workplace. all 4 of us had a gay old time!

      nice day today, cloudy but warming up. nyla is sitting next to me purring loudly, gigi is on the sunporch, RTG is composing his next blog entry, and oreo is watching birds. pinks and yellows and greens and purple and pink and white colors are all over the place.

      have a good week, all 2-foots and 4-foots at your house.

  3. Wishing us luck! (I have never heard this song before... or, at least if I have, I don't remember it)!

  4. I do love a bit of Saturday morning David Cassidy. Have a great weekend.

    1. I think he was living in the UK at the time he recorded this video. big old SMOOCH to you and guido!

  5. Ah David Cassidy! What a blast from the past. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. yeah, before all the booze and drugs caught up with him...

  6. Oy, I had such a crush on Cassidy.

    Thanks for Carlos' birthday wish; he's still riding the celebration train.

    Have a faboosh weekend AM!

    1. who DIDN'T back in the day!!!!! and good for carlos still riding the happy train!

  7. David Cassidy, sigh. He sure was purty! I used to have a crush on him and his father. At the same time! Scandalous!

  8. I never heard that song before. Hard to believe that he is gone.

  9. Replies
    1. those tin foil hats are a riot! I had lunch with maddie yesterday and she told me what it took to create that hat - OY!

  10. David Cassidy lived about a mile from me(in a much swankier area). After he went broke, he went downhill very quikly. Same thing, same area as Mickey Rooney who was notorious for falling off bar stools.
    He was cute when he was young.

    1. REALLY? interesting! both lived hard and partied harder. sooner or later it catches up with you; it did with a first cousin of mine.

  11. hohoho
    for once I am not last in line here!

  12. Great song! And you have such a way with words when you describe Dump and his minions!! 😅

  13. They're doing a little more than lying to themselves, they're smiling to themselves thinking how smart they are.... get ready for their exodus... the stampede starts here.

  14. I don't remember this song. Have a great weekend. RJJS

  15. We are coming for you, you lying MFs is right. Add Devin Nunes to that list. Hell, I might want to sue him for $251M just to make his life a living hell.

  16. My lands...haven't heard the name David Cassidy in ages! Great song.

    1. he was attempting a comeback here with this song. but the booze/drugs caught up with him...

  17. Replies
    1. you too, dear, and sweet bear also! enjoy all the spring blossoms!

  18. OMG
    He was so handsome! I know girls (women now) who would do trample you to get one of his posters for their bedrooms.
    Oh, and those crooks are patting themselves on the back because they're fooling US.


    1. yeah, he was. then all the drugs and booze aged him terribly.

  19. Replies
    1. I just gave pete more $$. he has me so hopeful again!

    2. I did too! (wait till husband gets credit card bill,yikes!) Does he not remind you of Obama the way he paces himself in a speech? He is smooth, like a good brandy. If he is good in bed, that would make him perfect.

    3. yes, he does. bill clinton and bobby kennedy too.
      the way he and chas look at each other makes me melt.
      TEAM PETE 2020!

    4. aaand Rachel just made him stumble.

  20. I was so glad to read you and the Mistress had a good lunch. I'm envious you had a nice boozy lunch! I love a nice long lunch like that I was telling the Mistress. Now David Cassidy, I'm familiar with but he came out as I was already past that stage of my youth.

    1. you and william sound like a great couple too, dear. we should meetup!
