Saturday, April 6, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Knock On Wood" - that the House Dems prevail in getting the FULL Mueller report released, and Donald Dump's taxes released, and Donald Dump's "national emergency" overturned.

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018

DOUBLE TROUBLE this week - both versions!  Which one do you like better?


  1. Love the Amii Stewart track. One of my all times favourites. That’s for reminding me.
    JP x

  2. I have long given up on Muller and his report. It will be another source that lands him in trouble.

    But what songs!!!! I love Knock on Wood...course the second is so much more the Mistress.

    1. mos def #2 is YOU! and we ALL know how much you love wood!

  3. Gimme Amii Stewart's crazy fractal disco version! And hey, she should enter that headgear in my tin foil hat contest!

  4. I'll take Amii, and the Demicrats getting _____.

    1. seems that everyone likes amii. no one likes the dump.

  5. I prefer the Eddie Floyd version, myself. It's sexier and gets me in a mood for dirty dancing (not the movie). It's got a good grinding vibe.

    1. I know what your putting on for Balder Half tonight on the turn table.....

    2. Turntable, Maddie? Puleeze! We are hep to the jive here! Turntable my lack of ass! Cassette tapes, baby! That's how we roll!

    3. Im not sure Deedles and I would know what to do!!!!!!!! But what sure could dish!

    4. A room?! Nah. I'd probably just stare at the fabulousness that is the Mistress! I'd get all tongue tied and suck my thumb.

  6. World keeps turning, W.Q., never mind that each day more and more of us just want to get off.
    Have a remarkably good w/e and week ahead, all of you - from all of us.

  7. Ya, Eddie Floyd. But don't forget Wilson Picket. Mo-Town at its finest.

    GO PETE!

  8. Preach it sister!!!! Me too!

    I'm still appalled that people in this country elected an inflated egoistical windbag reality star to President. What a sad commentary. I dare say I long hated that man. And I rarely use that word.

  9. I LOVE that Amii Stewart version, but I haven't heard it in ages. Thanks for picking this song.

    I also pray something happens to that orange turd's thumbs. Can't tweet if you can't hold a phone.

  10. Knock on wood? Even a sledgehammer wouldn't phase that brickhead. But there will be much joy as he writhes and moans about his cheating tax scams.

  11. Love this song. It seems to me, you and the Mistress are always knocking on wood of some kind or other. No?

    Hope you are having a nice weekend.

  12. I think the Mueller report will someday be released (when the USA elects a Democrat) but in the meantime hopefully the people who worked on it will come forward with some of the information contained in it. They have already come forward with some "alarming" information..hope they continue. The American people paid for it, they should have the right to see it and judge accordingly. It must contain damning evidence or else why do the Repubs want it hidden away?

  13. It would be like thunder, lightning... ooh a little bit... frightening! I've always preferred Amii Stewart's up-tempo disco beat.

  14. The tax returns will be fun reading.

  15. eddie floyd for me too. keep putting pressure on your rep and senators to force total disclosure!

  16. s'ok by me if ya wanna rant here, linda. and we the people elected HILLARY CLINTON as POTUS, not the orange pusbag, maddie!

  17. I'm team Amii Stewart all the way baby!!! I remember being a kid at the disco techs with my roller skates on and this song thumping in my chest! Good times.

    As for dump, every April first I'm always hoping you Americans will suddenly burst out laughing and say "haha world we tricked you, April fool's, he's not really our president, we were just playing a joke on you", sadly I'm still waiting.

  18. I certainly remember the Eddie Floyd version! Drumpf was supposed to release his taxes after the election he said. Just another in a long string of lies. And if he is so 'exonerated' why is he hiding everything? Is he too busy lining his and his families pockets?

  19. Ohhh I think the Amii Stewart one is groovy!
    and you know that Cheeto thinks he's invulnerable. It's part of his authoritarian fantasy. I hope Mueller testifies and they get his taxes. Oh, the emperor has NO clothes!


    1. stephen miller is trying to install nazis in the DHS. who elected miller anyway?
