Saturday, June 8, 2019

Saturday Night Gay Pride Dance Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

It's PRIDE WEEKEND in Philly!  Mistress Maddie is out and about in all her glory.  Click on her name to see what's happening here!

Let's celebrate the FABULOUSNESS of our gay brothers and sisters, our dear friends, our fellow human beings!  Fly those pride flags high!  Fling that glitter!  EVERY DAY IS PRIDE DAY!


And if you haven't already, check out Fearsome Beard's dee-lite-ful dance ditty!  Click his name to view the tune!


  1. Dance yourself dizzy! Love from London xx

    1. did you londoners get the dump's stink out of the city yet?

  2. Oh dear, I needed to put my dancing shoes on first thing this morning!

    Have a faboosh weekend AM!

    Happy Pride, Philly!

    1. it's been a wonderful weekend weather-wise (oooooh, alliteration) for PRIDE!

  3. I love this! Happy Pride Everyone! πŸŒˆπŸ’œ❤πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›

    1. you could not have asked for better weather to celebrate!

  4. Oooh you have some great tunes there Anne Marie! If you see smoke, don't worry it's just all the dust as I shake off my booty! Hahaha!

    1. I think we should see booty-shaking pix FOR SCIENCE!

  5. Groove is in the Heart is my jam!
    Happy Pride, Pilly! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    Now I wanna go dancing.


  6. Bumper crop here, W.Q. You're spoiling us BBBBBBBIG time on this special day. Now just to be clear - is this Gay Pride or STRAIGHT Pride? It's starting to get confusing. (I jest, of course!)

    Hope you're relieved to have the 'Boss' and ALL his lovely family back on home soil after their little vacation to this side, rubbing shoulders with and taking selfies with Royalty - great photos to put on the walls! I'm so happy he landed back home safely as I was afraid that there might have been an accident (God, NO!) and you'd have had to suffer a Pence Presidency. So at least that nightmare didn't happen, for which we are all grateful, are we not?
    Now 'scuse me while I go off searching YouTube again looking for evidence of those "thousands" of flag-waving, cheering supporters in London mentioned as having been seen by the Very Stable Genius (he could feel the "LOVE" so he couldn't have been imagining it!) which none of the news channels showed us (Typical! Fake News colluders!) - yet I can find plenty of those "very few " protests who were "put there for political purposes!", though they do look rather more than just "a very few".

    Btw: I see you're doing okay with the weather. We haven't had another hot day since that very untypical Easter w/e which turned out to be false hope teaser - and now it's only a fortnight before the nights start drawing in again! Oh, for just a mere 20 degrees and we'll all be dancing in the streets - in shorts!

    Do enjoy your sun and have a pretty nice Pride weekend.

    1. Oops! I see you specified GAY Pride on your heading. Sorry 'bout that!

    2. "str8 pride" is nothing more than dump-supporting nazis! I ain't in that bunch of traitors!

      today I have the windows open; it has been a great weekend for PRIDE celebrations!

      other than that, the weekend has been full of chores and errands. we did not get to see "rocketman" as planned; perhaps next weekend.

      smooches to all living creatures at your house!

  7. It's a good thing that the groove is in the heart because my groove thang is apparently broken this morning! Church of the Poisoned Mind is the only Culture Club song I like. Well, at least my foot tapping still works. Try to get a little rest before your cloning process and joint world domination with Steven. I've been told that I'm making the sandwiches :)

    1. steven is crazy; NO ONE wants thousands of me running around!

      and those sammiches better be something good, like ham & cheese, or grilled cheese!

    2. Nah, Carebear, he wants me to make them for his enemies. He seems to have a thing against my fried salami, lettuce and grape jelly sandwiches.

    3. duchess, you would KILL me with THAT sammich!

    4. Is it the lettuce? You can leave that off and just make the salami extra crunchy. There are also so many different flavored jellies and jams to try. Do not leave off the jelly!

    5. all 3 things would kill me! howsabout a nice ham & swiss on whole wheat with yellow mustard? or liverwurst and swiss on whole wheat with yellow mustard? now THAT'S a sammich!

    6. At the risk of losing your friendship, and making a lifelong enemy, replace the swiss and mustard with Miracle Whip, and I'm in! Ducks and runs for cover ;)

    7. you ain't gittin' rid of me THAT quickly, duchess! but NO mayo OR miracle whip on MY sammiches. RTG likes that slime; it's not my cuppa tea.

  8. While Im out. I'm not about just yet....catching train in very shortly. Your a dear!!!! And we hope, as fun as the parades are, hopefully one day we won't need one.

    PS. I'll bring the clan to this dance's already jumping!!!

    1. and I am glaad you are OUT and PROUD (see what I did there?)!

  9. I can rememberbeing with William in a gay discotheque, dancing to Funkytown. Now were just sorry town!!!!! A good gay Pride to all of Philly.

  10. Now this is a dance party Anne Marie!!!!! And when is the Mistress NOT "hanging OUT" in all his glory?

    1. her milkshake brings all the boyz to her yard and then some!

  11. WOW! What a dance party! Happy Pride!

    1. yeah, I wanted to go all OUT for our celebrations here!

  12. Good morning and Happy Pride everyone!

    1. dayum, I see you have to wait til JULY for your PRIDE events. :(

  13. A happy pride to all in Philadelphia and cities! Will you be debaching in the pride festivities with the mistress Anne Marie? And fun songs🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

    1. oh honey, my bedtime is between 8-9p; my debauchery time is long past. and the boyz won't even look my way cause I'm not their "type". but you can bet the mistress and her friends danced the night away!

  14. I can remember dancing to those at the Rose Rouge in Harrisburg... which was probably gone by the time Maddie hit puberty.

    1. but did you git up and shake yer booty yesterday to these tunes?

  15. Oh my god. What a collection. I'll be dancing all day!

  16. Happy Pride! RJJS

    1. hope you have great weather for your PRIDE fest next weekend!

  17. It is good seeing Kelly's flag flying once again.

    1. yes, I always have it flying on my blog. kelly seems to have disappeared.

  18. Kelly is sometimes on Facebook. It looks like he had a lot of tough medical matters but seem better now. I will tell him you said hello.

    1. please do, since I refuse to join fuckbook. todd IS out there as "raymond gunther"; go friend him.
