Saturday, August 3, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Freedom" - WHO will free us from Donald Dump?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?  "
All we have to do now is take these lies and make them true somehow."

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018


  1. Great song by George Michael with a Spock haircut. Everyday the truth is more apparent - Hurd not running for re-election has them doing head slams on the concrete floor. Maybe instead of singing Freedom, he should be singing Texas... Texas!

  2. Wow I would not have recognized him if the video wasn't labeled.
    Four years is coming to an end and hopefully you can get rid of "it"!

  3. You've got a POTUS called something rhyming with 'chump' ("The least racist person in the world"!) while we've now got a PM with a surname synonymous, in certain circles, with the male sex organ. What a double act they'll start making! Let's hope that with 'your' POTUS riding towards the curtain-call of his first and (pray heaven) only term - and ours, now with a Parliamentary majority of just ONE, and having no alternative but to call a General Election which could well make him the Prime Minister with the shortest term in history, they go out together, as befits the pair of them. We look forward to freedom from both, YAY!

    I see you're still sweltering there in Philly. Trust that you, the hubby and the little 'uns are not having it too hard to survive. We can't complain with temps around the low 70s F. Will be more than happy if it stays this way for rest of the season.
    have a restfully enjoyable w/e.

    1. gawd, that would be laughable if old bojo is eliminated as PM!

      the air conditioner is keeping all of us sane here. we humans are currently eating breakfast and the pussies are taking their morning naps. today is laundry day for me. RTG picked some veggies from his garden this morning; he will post about it later.

      and another crazy week begins for both the UK and the US.

  4. The GOOD news is that Mitch McConnell HATES being called Moscow Mitch, and between Mueller's report on Russian interference two weeks ago, and then McConnell killing the election security bills, he's really damned himself into that corner. So if the shoe fits, Micth, wear it.

  5. I hear a certain someone really doesn't like to be called Putin's Mitch. I've also called Marco Rubio "Moscow Marco" on Twitter. I hope he blocks me so I can use that as my blog header.

    1. too damn bad if mcturtle hates it! he's hiding something!

  6. Now there's a song I can get behind!!!! I loved his solo stuff best. I dare say Wham was too, too, bubble gum and.... gay? Who said that? Where did that come from? Moi? Shocking right. Ah screw going poolside if anyone is looking for me.

    1. Wham, gay? Oh, noes! What about "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"? That video was so very butch! How dare you, Madam!
      Aren't you supposed to be participating in some sort of debauchery somewhere?

    2. Isn't that every day that ends in day?

    3. I always thought george was str8...until I was proven wrong. those cute lil booty shorts in "wake me up"!

  7. I loved George Michael, and Freedom is one of my favorites. Please replay this video when Thing 1, Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey are removed from office or pass away.

    1. this song, and "dancing in the streets", and "celebrate", and "celebration"!

  8. That man had a voice! I bought the dvd (yes, dvd) of his videos and I still play it. I love people who have a voice that doesn't need to be augmented electronically. Can't stand that particular haircut, tho.

    1. yeah that haircut IS a turnoff; the wham haircut was the most fab!

  9. Love the song, hate the haircut. We need to keep the Moscow Mitch nickname going for Bitch McConnell. RJJS

    1. apparently bitch made an appearance in KY yesterday and was drowned out by protestors shouting "moscow mitch" and waving russian flags.

  10. Love that song! George Michael could sing!
    Can’t wait till The Orange Agent is neutralized.


  11. oh gawd he was HAWT in that video! and no, spouse doesn't sing that to me; that ship sailed a long time ago.

  12. Oh I loved George Michael, probably the first male singer I truly followed. Too Funky was my favorite. I have no idea what is going on with that mess in dc...I gave up on news and he gets away with everything anyhow. Just remove him!!!

    Now I have my last show tonight for a week or two, and am waiting with baited breath the Mistress and clan. The gin cargo tanker arrived yesterday.🚢

    1. hee hee hee! now you behave yourself, miss pearly. I don't wanna see any arrest reports featuring you and the mistress in a compromising position on the front page of the local paper!

      my friends jeffrey and sean breen are also in p-town currently. 2 hairy beary bears looking for fun and cosmos! here is sean's blog:

  13. Such powerful lyrics...
    "But it feels like the road to hell."

  14. Be strong this Monday, stay strong! Rough weekend, fueled by the furorors rhetoric.

    1. and the orange puke IS fueling the fire, no matter what he or his sycophants say!

  15. I want to thank you Anne Marie for being such a dear cheerleader, always having a kind word on a hard day and for your passion. You’re the best.

    1. SMOOCH! it's not that easy being green, or brown, or linda, or anne marie. but we are FABULOUS and FINE and SPECIAL!
