Saturday, August 10, 2019

Saturday Night Protest Party!

This is how I am feeling right now.

Dance like no one's watching.

Sing like no one's listening.

"Silent Running" - to all the people that ran in El Paso and Dayton and across Mississippi this week.

"Keep believing. Keep marching. Keep building. Keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world.” - Barack Obama, July 2018

PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (August 7) to Jon of Dolores Delargo Towers

PPS - Post #600!  AND August 4 was this blog's 7th anniversary!


  1. Happy Saturday, never give up, never stop believing, we can make the world a better place, one vote at a time.

    1. it's hard to keep on believing. but if we give up, we are doomed to another 4 years of this shit.

  2. Happy Weekend, although we are further along in hours then you in the states. Funny Jon is in my fair city I see from his other blog Give them the old razzle dazzle. I must look for him.

    The blogosphere has been very quite.

    1. hope jon is having a good birthday in your fair city.

    2. Het was een fantastisch bezoek aan Mokum! Dank u wel... Jx

    3. now I don't speak dutch, but I CAN read your sentence without the help of google translate! :)

      hope you committed some naughty acts on your natal day!

  3. Replies
    1. somebody has to, otherwise we are doomed to repeat the behavior.

  4. We all know the time will come when "Things can only get better", but it's been looooong overdue. Let's trust it'll happen before they get still worse.
    Have a spectacularly nice w/e all of you.

    1. it's difficult to be positive. I see mrs bojo has a cervical cancer diagnosis this morning; that's the one I beat 30 years ago.

      you cannot believe it, but here it is the middle of august and the air conditioner is off and the windows are open. there is sun and a breeze. RTG picked some more veggies this morning. cats are taking their morning naps. I have some house chores to do today.

      hugs to you and the pussies.

    2. You're ahead of me, W.Q,. I didn't know about Mrs J.'s scary revelation, though I do know that divorce proceedings are well on the way. Maybe the separation might assist with having a similar outcome to your own most fortunate one.

      We've got comfortably cooler here too (upper 60sF) which is fine by us.
      Likewise friendly strokes to you and yours.

    3. well, mrs bojo is mos def better off without that scumbag! been a loverly weekend so far.

  5. Every terrible storm eventually runs out of rain.

    And btw, we aren't giving the Mistress back.

    1. YOU BETTA! or else we come up there and drag her back!

  6. There will be change but not soon enough to do long term damage. How long will it take this nation to rebuilt and to regain the ground we've lost to hate and bigotry? Truthfully, I am discouraged.

    1. I meant undo long term damage

    2. it's SO hard to believe light will conquer darkness. but if we give up, the deplorables will win. AND THAT CANNOT HAPPEN!

  7. I hope this is still a Happy Saturday. I woke up to Jeffrey Epstein committing suicide overnight, which is very suspect. If he was on suicide watch, who was watching?

    1. I call conspiracy!! Probably Dump wanted him dead to keep him silent about their Manhattan sex parties.

    2. I second the conspiracy call! How convenient for a lot of powerful men that he is dead.

    3. Yes, there'll be men of wealth and influence now walking around trying their damnedest to hide their inner smiles of relief. Not suggesting for one millisecond that any of them could have had anything to do with his demise, perish the thought!

    4. so many unanswered questions about that "suicide". the blood is on the dump's hands.

  8. Mike Rutherford! Great album and song, such shame the video shows you what happens when Alexa goes into Overdrive.

    And the subtle subtext going around is that the GOP is scared shitless because the Idiot Jerk is really their grim reaper.

  9. It just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Just sent Pete some money in hopes of having pizza with him.(lol) Maybe I am on an acid trip.

    1. gawd, would THAT not be something than to share pizza and beer with pete and chasten? be still my heart!

  10. T is deplorable. He's the worst thing that ever happened to this country. I have hope it will get better. RJJS

  11. You pick the best music! Happy blogiversary! So glad you're in the blogisphere and in the world. You give me hope! Can you hear me?

    1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, shucks, mitchell! (blushes) I can hear you running!

  12. Happy blog-day! May there be four more and then some.

    1. can you believe I have been doing this for 7 years now? and look at all the lovely (and some ghastly slimebag) individuals I have met over those 7 years. those lovely people are my best friends!

  13. Happy (belated) blog day! I'm so glad we're friends, Anne Marie! You're one of my very favorite bloggers.

    I realized the other day that I missed my 9 year blogging anniversary. How on earth have I been blabbering on for 9 years already?!

    1. awwwwwwwwwwwww, shucks (blushes). I like you too! if not for bob, I never would have met you! have you and bob ever met, since you both live in the same state?

      my spouse has been ranting for 13 years now. he is at if ya wanna check him out.
