Saturday, March 13, 2021

Brain Puke XXI

 Look out blogger friends, I'mma gonna hurl!

My condolences to Agnes Goldberg DeWoofs; her dear husband William has passed from COVID.  We love you, Agnes!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (March 11) to Anne and (March 13) to Duchess Deedles and (March 16) to Second Man!

The snowdrops are blooming in the back yard!

I am in need of a run to the liquor store; I'm outta gin and several other fave tipples.

I sent my taxes off to my preparer on Thursday.

With spring coming, I am beginning to feel energized again.  February kicked my ass hard with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Nothing better than having a purring kitty sitting on your sparkly tits.

I have 2 loads of laundry to do and I can't be arsed to do them.  Since we are at home, not too many clothes are being worn.

I force you to look at my pussies!  Miss Nyla (the purring kitty) napping on a chair next to me.

Miss Oreo looking fat and happy.  She is sitting in a box.

Miss Gigi (the gray & white cat at the window) is still with us and is as bouncy and lively as ever.

I am SO damn sick and tired of COVID.

WHEN are the damn slobs that irritate me the most gonna fucking die?

I have 13 knitting WIPs (work in progress) and no mojo to work on any of them.  The knitting fairies have deserted me for a warm beach somewhere.

I am SO damn sick and tired of RACISTS.

I found a YouTube site "Recollection Road" that documents stores, restaurants, etc. from the 50s & 60s.  The site calls itself "A History Lesson of American Life".  Pretty interesting, as I can remember many of the video subjects.

Who needs television when you have YouTube?

I am SO damn sick and tired of MAGAts.  This is what I want to do to them:

Let's have some fun; replace one word in any movie title with the word "testicles".  Example: GONE WITH THE TESTICLES.  We could also use the word "tits" (THE ODD TITS) or "penis"   (PENIS WARS).  I shamelessly stole this from Joe My God.  Answers in the comments please.

It's 7:25a Saturday morning and the sun is shining.  I may be ambitious enough to bake honey oatmeal bread.  But first...CAWFEE!  PS - bread is now mixing; 3p it will be ready to eat!


  1. I love seeing your kitties! How about some classic movies like "They Call Me Mister Testicles" or "Midnight Testicles" LOL!

    1. I just choked on my diet pepsi reading this! can you see a guy walking into a bar saying the first title?

  2. Oh, I want to hug all those cats and drive that steamroller. My contributions to movie of the week: Close Encounters of the Third Testicle; 12 Angry Penises; Testicle Busters; Raging Penis; Blazing Testicles... MAKE ME STOP!!! This is what the rest of my day will be!

  3. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Testicles

    Testicles on a Plane

    They Shoot Testicles, Don't They?

    Good Penis Hunting

    I could stay here all day!!

    Have a faboosh weekend AN!

    1. please do, bob! you have nothing better to do, amirite?

  4. I currently watching My Big Fat Greek Testicles Followed by Auntie Tits and closing up the afternoon with Cat on a Hot Tin Penis.

    I just woke up from passing out when I read your out of hootch?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT!!!! Now you know why I have tankers girl.

    Off to open windows and get a huge breakfast. Hugs to Agnes.

    1. 3 great movies there. yeah, send the houseboyz over with some gin, please. liquor store trip tomorrow.

    2. i hope you have a sponge. the houseboys may be sticky when you get them.

  5. These were always my favorite post! You girl tired of knitting? You need gin. I had been wondering where Ms Agnes has been. Thats sad.

    I'm watching Testicles Games today, followed by the sequel, Hunger Games-Catching Penis.

    1. that's nice of you to say, empress. yes, I need gin and sunlight and warmer temps for motivation.

  6. The Testicles of Baskerville is on my agenda.

    No liquor? that is a crime.

    1. yeah, I have a list of 7 items to buy. gin, wine, cordials, etc.

  7. War and Penis. Cool Testicles Luke. A Streetcar named Testicle. LOL!!

    1. I like "cool testicles luke"; bet he's a hit with all the boyz!

  8. You have been hanging around the Mistress to long.

    But I did watch Fantastic Testicles and Where to Find Them the other night.

    1. the mistress is a bad influence. fantastic testicles are probably found at the bathhouse, amirite?

  9. Holy Crap, I can't believe no one has ever seen The Wizard of Tits!

  10. I just finished an anime series called The Penis Is A Part-Timer! Now I'm watching a wrestling anime called I Wanna Be The Tits In The World

    1. part-time penis...wonder how that works? what does it do with the rest of the time?

  11. Joan Woodward Movie: The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Testicles!

    Love your pussies, dear. Adorbs.

    Sorry you had the SAD. You should have said something. I could tell something was up. Glad you are feeling better.

    So sorry to hear about Agnes' husband.

    And HB Deedles! Kizzes.

    And Kizzes for you too, my dear. You know... you will do what you can when you get to it. No sense in feeling bad about not doing something. It can all wait. Things happen in their own time.

    I love nostalgia... love revisiting things from my youth or things before my time. It always looks better from this perspective.

    Take care, my dear. (Second time is the trick!)

    1. yesterday was a sunny (but cool) one. I made bread and swept the kitchen floor. sunny days improve my mood tremendously. and the HUGE snow piles in the back yard are almost gone. I have not decided what I want to do today yet.

      one of my 13 knitting WIPs is your lil monster. it's waiting to be sewn together, eyes & mouth attached, and stuffed.

  12. Texas! Chainsaw! Testicles!!!!!
    Man, SAD kicked me all around the block this past winter. Luckily our state has gone Stage 2, and our covid cases have dropped to nearly nothing, so I have hope. Hope, and vodka.

  13. On Golden Pond, could become, On Golden Tits. There is a lot of blagh going around, spring is on the horizon

  14. I love your hurls. RJJS

  15. Yup, it's high time Covid started being a bit more selective with its targets. There are still too many people with 'power' out there who haven't yet been affected by its deadly touch - either them or someone whom they hold especially dear - in a serious enough way so as to bring about a change to their idiocies. Such a waste when genuinely good people succumb while there are so many 'worthier' targets still being missed.
    Btw, Luv the kitty-pics.

    1. I KNEW you would love the pussie pix! the girls love you and the boys back!

      the rethugs need to be hit upside the head hard with COVID and leave the rest of us alone.

      we moved the clocks forward today; what a PITA! there is a proposal in our congress to get rid of this ritual; perhaps this time it shall pass and become law.

      have a good week to all in your humble flat!

    2. ALL pussy-pics will get to me W.Q., as you well know. In fact any pics featuring animals, provided they aren't in pain or in distress, whatever the cause, will entrance me.
      When watching T.V. news a major part of my routine is to ensure that the remote is close at hand just so that if there is even a mere chance of seeing something in that vein likely to be upsetting, often for hours afterwards, I can switch over and try to erase the very thought of such from my mind, sometimes with only minimal success.
      If I tell anyone else this they'll say "But what about human suffering, especially that of children?" And pf course they have a good point, but in that case I'll look away from the screen and turn the sound off. But animal suffering pushes an especially sensitive button which makes me absolutely unable to tolerate it, particularly when one considers that most countries have no prohibitive laws at all in that connection, even against deliberate cruelty. [I could mention just about all Muslim countries, but I daren't!] Now if intentional cruelty towards certain 'human beings' - I use the tern advisedly - was to be permitted I'd be all for it.

      Happy Springtime to you. We've still got to wait another 2.5 weeks for ours to arrive - and the weather-gods are making sure we know it.

    3. 3 days last week we had spring weather. today snow is predicted. no spring yet. dammit.

  16. Yay Kitty Pics!!!!!!


    1. yep, sometimes it's difficult to capture the girls when they are not bouncing around.

  17. Sending hugs to Ms Agnes. I'm so sorry.
    I just got back from visiting the retirement manse, so I've been missing the blogging news, funnies and rants.
    Here's my contribution to the movie thing. TITanic. Didn't even have to make it up!
    Star Tits IV- The Search for Cock. Cock works better than penis here.

    1. Incidentally Deedles... Pam Demic- The Search for Cock is the name of my next COVID pamphlet.

    2. @duchess - both of us have TITanic tits! hope you had a nice birthday!

      @maddie - (sings) climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, til you find your peen!

    3. Oh, Mads and Carebear, you two sure tickled my funny bone with this! Climb Every Mountain means so much more to me now.

      Carebear, we actually celebrated my son and his wife's 20th anniversary this weekend. You blink once and you have middle-aged children and teenaged grandkids! From here on out, I'm pinning my eyelids open!

    4. I just made up the song on the spur of the moment. kids and grandkids - oh my!

  18. Hi Anne Marie♥ Good to see the kitties and know that they can't be bothered one bit by COVID....lucky kitties. No shot for me just yet but my arm is already sticking straight out, with sleeve rolled up, just in case. Gin should be delivered on the doorstep, it just seems right.

    Take care♥

    Take care and

    1. in this state, it's tough to get booze outside the state store. only certain grocery stores are allowed to sell beer/wine, and the restrictions on how it must be sold are ridiculous. our booze laws go back to the 1930s, prohibition, and an anti-booze governor. sux to be us.

  19. I loved seeing your cats, they look so comfy and happy!

    1. all 3 are rescue cats from the local shelter. I've had miss nyla the longest (since 2012); the others were adopted in 2015.

  20. Gone with the penis, Who's afraid of the testicles, Reflections on a Golden Penis. Goldmember (duh). The Penis (applicable to almost any movie title, duh).
    And I love the kitties! So adorable! Miss Gigi could be the best kitty name I've heard lately.


    P.S, you're awesome. I love my gift!

    1. gigi got her name like this - it's a contraction of GRAY GIRL or GOOD GIRL (GG), courtesy of spouse.

      glad you like your present! :)

  21. Our Vines Have Tender Testicles
    Kiss Me Testicles
    Seven Testicles For Seven Tits
    The Private Lives of Testicles and Tits

    Oh, I could play at this all day.

    When will the damn slobs who irritate you the most die? Not soon enough. I heard on the news yesterday that most of the people refusing the vaccine are white Republicans. No surprise there.


    1. wonder what happens in "the private lives of testicles and tits"? the world may never know.

  22. Someone was all fired up. Heck yeah. Loved reading all about it, anne marie in philly. Except for the part about Agnes Goldberg DeWoofs. My condolences to her as well. Love the cat photos. It feels like this is the first time I have seen them all. And now for the movie titles: Honey I Shrunk the Testicles, Honey I Shrunk the Testicles Again, Fried Green Testicles and Blazing Testicles.

  23. I kept looking for your sparkly tits and only saw sparkly coffee. I can only assume that you are lactating.

    1. heh, no one sees my sparkly tits but me and the cats and the spouse. and at age 66.5, lactating is impossible. I never gave birth, so my milk jugs were never used.

  24. Brain puke, sparkly tits, Joe My God's movie title experiment- I laughed and laughed until I peed a little! What an awesomely hilarious read for an early Saturday morning. I love this, and will have to give it another once over. Thank you for making me laugh. Now on to the blood donation appointment...

    1. hello new friend! I just added your blog to my list. stop back early and often!

  25. Hello my dear. I’m so sorry to tell you that after a long fight, I lost Guido last month to cancer.

    1. oh my dear brother, I am SO SORRY to read this. I wish I could wrap you in my arms and tell you everything is going to be ok. even though I never met guido in person, I could tell from your writings that you and he loved each other very much.

      I would really like to keep in touch with you. please e-mail me at LOVE YOU, JP!

  26. WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY LIFE. My names are Clara David I’m a citizen of USA, My younger sister was sicking of breast cancer and her name is Sandra David I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in USA still yet no good result. I decided to search for cancer cure so that was how I found a lady called Peter Lizzy. She was testifying to the world about the goodness of a herbal man who has the roots and herbs to cure all kinds of disease and the herbal man's email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man @herbalist_sakura for my younger sister's help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I receive the cure that I am in USA, he told me That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact or WhatsApp him +2348110114739 visit his website for the cure, he will help you out with the problem. And if you need more information about the doctor you can mail me
